Blog 3: Büt Camp Technology Preview

A look at what Büt Camp, Inc. has in store for the next 5 years.

Progressive Web App (PWA)

A PWA uses “service workers, manifests, and other web-platform features in combination with progressive enhancement” (1) to achieve an app-like experience across multiple platforms including but not limited to Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS devices. PWAs run in browsers but use the features above to deliver functions like installation on the device, address hardware like the camera or speaker and mic, push notifications, and easy updating (2). One of the best features is data storage for quick retrieval of data and the added benefit of caching that data in case of a loss of network signal (3).

Because the PWA can be designed to look like any native app the user enjoys a recognizable experience that is as rich as a native app.

A11y (Accessibility)

A11y is numeronym shorthand for digital accessibility, where the “11” represents the number of letters between the first and last letters “a” and “y”. By creating web code that adheres to the guidelines set forth by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the W3C web developers can make their content more “accessible to people with disabilities” and achieve a A11Y friendly site (4) The A11Y Project is a “living example of how to create beautiful, accessible, and inclusive digital experiences (5).”

Büt Camp, Inc. wishes to participate and plans to identify deficiencies in their web code base to make their shopping experience as inclusive as possible. We hope to complete the work in the beginning of 2022 and prior to launching a PWA.

3D Polylactic Acid (PLA) Store Front

As a champion of what can be achieved with the eco-friendly PLA plastics, Büt Camp, Inc. has plans to expand beyond temporary emergency shelters and offer up an expanding array of temporary PLA 3D printed goods and services. As PLA filament is easily printed with, the nature of PLA makes the durability and heat resistance less than a traditional plastic like ABS or PET. But better for the environment.

First, BCI plans to expand it’s storefront by introducing a free marketplace for users to share 3D plans that will work with PLA filaments. Allowing users to share their designs with others.

Second, BCI hopes to enter the professionally PLA 3D printed space by offering up high quality pre-printed goods on our existing store front and selling access to our models for users to try at home.
